History Of STIT Pemalang
Pemalang College of Education Sciences, which was later called STIT Pemalang, was initiated by the Pemalang Indonesian Family Resources Development Education Institute (LP2SDKI). With the hope of being able to prepare quality human resources in the development of Pemalang Regency and its surroundings. The fulfillment of Islamic Religious Higher Education facilities, until now, has not been adequate when compared to the increasing population quantity. It is directly proportional to the people’s desire to improve/continue their education to a higher level of education to increase their career or knowledge.
At the beginning of its establishment the name STIT Pemalang was the Islamic High School (STAI) Pemalang based on the Decree of the Coordinator of Kopertais Region X Central Java number: 04 dated September 8, 2001, concerning Operational Permits with 2 (two) majors and 4 (four) study programs:
Department of Islamic Education/Tarbiyah
- Islamic Religious Education Study Program/PAI (S.1)
- Islamic Kindergarten Teacher Education Study
- Program/PGTKI (D.2)
- Islamic Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program/PGSDI/MI (D.2)
- Sharia Muamalat Department; with the Sharia Banking Management Study Program (S.1)
In its development STAI Pemalang changed its name status on the basis of a permit from the Director General of Islamic Religious Institutions, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia No. DJ.II/42/2005, concerning the Approval of the Establishment of the Pemalang School of Education Sciences, Central Java and the Permit to Organize the Islamic Religious Education Study Program organized by the Indonesian Family Resources Development Education Institute Foundation, Pemalang, Central Java, dated March 22, 2005 and a letter from the Director General Islamic Religious Institutional Development Ministry of Religion RI No. Dt.II.III/I/PP.02.3/272/2005 dated March 24, 2005 Regarding the SK Study Program. The study programs are:
- Islamic Religious Education (PAI) undergraduate program 1
- PGAISD/PGMI Diploma II Study Program
- PGAITK/PGRA Diploma II Study Program
- Deed Program IV
(Note: The PGAISD/PGMI D.II study program and the PGAITK/PGRA D.II study program become D.IV based on the circular from the latest SK from the Director General of Bagais).
In 2011, STIT Pemalang received an Extension of Permit for the Organization of the Undergraduate Study Program at a Private Islamic Higher Education based on the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number DJ.I/1470/2011 dated October 27, 2011.
STIT Pemalang in order to provide assurance to the public that the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) undergraduate study program has met the quality standards that have been set (quality assurance), STIT Pemalang with the Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) has been accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Higher Education (BAN-PT) by Decree Number: 002/BAN-PT/Ak-XI/S1/IV/2008, April 26, 2008 concerning Status, Ranking, and Accreditation Results of Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education in the 2008 Assessment, with rank B.
In 2013, STIT Pemalang was able to maintain scores and rankings in the reaccreditation of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) with Decree Number: 211/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-XVI/S /X/2013, October 19, 2013 Regarding Study Program Accreditation Scores and Ranks in the Undergraduate Program with a score of 308, rank B. This further adds to public confidence in the existence of STIT Pemalang in the world of Higher Education.
In 2014 through the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 6356 of 2014 concerning Permits for the Implementation of Study Programs at the Undergraduate Program of the Tarbiyah College of Pemalang in 2014 dated November 10, 2014 the study program organized by the Tarbiyah College (STIT) Pemalang has increased with the issuance of operational permits for the implementation of the Undergraduate Education Program as follows:
- Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education
- Pendidikan Guru Raudhatul Athfal / Raudhatul Atfhal Teacher Education
- Pendidikan Bahasa Arab / Arabic Language Education
- Manajemen Pendidikan Islam / Islamic Education Management
On May 3, 2016, the Islamic Religious Education Study Program received an extension of its operating license. Based on the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education Number: 2502 of 2016 concerning the Extension of Permits for the implementation of the permit for the Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) at the Pemalang Tarbiyah School (STIT).
Currently, the Pemalang School of Tarbiyah Sciences (STIT) is carrying out an educational reform process, by producing practitioners who have competence in the field of quality education and teaching in order to create professional educators, researchers, administrators in the field of Islamic education.